
Should I make a Will?

Posted by on Sep 4, 2017 in Legal | No Comments
Should I make a Will?

So, you were told by your mate at a BBQ that that you should have a will.  But you are young and in good health.  Perhaps you have not yet accrued savings to speak of, or you have are still single with no kids.  Do you really need one?

Well, let us first dispel one myth: wills are not just for the rich.  Regardless of your financial situation, a will ensures that whatever personal belongings or assets you do have will go to the people or beneficiaries you choose.  Your beneficiaries can include family, friends, charities or almost anything you can think of.  So you could leave you small savings to a charity where it may make a big difference, or your collection of text books to the local school library!

Your will is a device that lets you tell the world whom you want to get your things, and it is also a way that you can make sure all your possessions end up in the right hands, by being able to choose who will be your executor.  Without a will, all your assets are distributed to according to predefined formula set down on paper in a government Act.

If you do have children, a will is a must.  It enables you to choose your children’s guardian.  Few people plan to die in the near future, but if you die suddenly without a will, you’ll be subjecting your family and loved ones to confusion and anxiety at what is already a difficult time.

You can amend a will at any time.  In fact, it’s a good idea to review it periodically and especially after significant life events, such as marriage or children.

If you think now might be the right time to make your will, talk to the experts at Ujvari Lawyers.

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