Visa Applications and false information
Since 2011, the Immigration Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) has had a very broad-ranging power to refuse visa applications with there was suspected fraud or misleading information. This is generally known as the Fraud criterion, and more specifically as Public Interest Criterion 4020 (PIC 4020). In simple terms, PIC 4020 enables the refusal of […]
Customs officials can search your phone
Like something out of a scene from TV’s Border Patrol, people coming into Australia on a visa are often searched for anything that may lead customs officials to suspect that there may be an actual or intended breach of the person’s Australian visa conditions. If such evidence is found, there is a serious risk that their […]
Why You Need a Professional in Visa Application?
Getting your visa application wrong can lead to disastrous consequences, as happened to this man from Perth. It helps to get professional advice, even if it is only on how to lodge a valid application!
Australian citizenship – why wouldn’t you choose it?
An interesting look at why some long-term Australian residents do not choose to become Australian citizens
Common mistakes in Australian Visa applications
Deciding to move to a new country is a huge step for anyone. You are bound to meet a lot of challenges including new cultures, language, new laws and lifestyles, just to mention a few. However, before you even get there, one of the most important steps in the process of migrating to another country […]
Government announces end to 457 visa programme
So, there is a flurry of activity and concern regarding the changes to the popular 457 visa programme. On 19 April 2017, the Government announced that the 457 visa will be abolished … from March 2018 … and will be replaced by a new TSS visa which will comprise the Short-Term (2 years) and Medium-Term […]
Who are “illegal immigrants”?
“Illegal Immigrants” are NOT people who arrive by boat and then obtain a visa to remain legitimately in Australia, they are the people who are already in Australia and have NO visa to continue their stay. Check out this article in the Sydney Morning Herald. (Click on Read More)
Partner visa charges increased significantly: Government revenue raising
On Monday, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection announced that from 1 January 2015, “new pricing arrangements” would be introduced for Partner visa applications. Whilst price increases are the norm in all sectors of commerce, we expect that increases be reasonable, for example, in line with CPI. Not so in this case. Partner visa […]
Review of border fees, charges and taxes announced
Minister Morrison has announced a review of border related fees, charges and taxes, to be known as the Fees Review. The Fees Review will be lead by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS), in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and DIBP. The Fees Review will examine charges at the border including Import Processing and […]
Visa applications and the Fraud criterion
Since 2011, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) have had a very broad-ranging power to refuse visa applications with there was suspected fraud or misleading information. This is generally known as the Fraud criterion, and more specifically at Public Interest Criterion 4020 (PIC 4020). In simple terms, PIC 4020 enables the refusal of […]